ADHD Awareness Month and a Project Management Tangent

Welcome to ADHD Awareness Month! In typical ADHD fashion, I’ve wanted to post something every day this month, and the month is nearly halfway over, and OOPS. However, I’m not going to feel bad about it. Coaching has taught me that spending time berating myself when my brain does what it does is not valuable […]

Self Care For The Win!

One of my top strengths is “Love of Learning,” and ever since I was diagnosed with ADHD in 1999, I’ve been studying ADHD in search of the best way to manage my symptoms. In the last seven months of my coach training, I’ve been more immersed in my ADHD study then ever, and the most […]

ADHD Trivia: It’s in the DNA

ADHD is highly genetic. If you’re looking at a diagnosis of ADHD for your child, it may be time to take a good look in the mirror. You may want to look at your spouse/partner/co-parent, but that’s not your job, that’s theirs. Do your best to be open and curious, learn about the symptoms and […]

ADHD Trivia: One Size Does Not Fit All

There are 18 symptoms of ADHD, not all of which apply to everyone; I believe it takes 12-15. When you account for the varying degrees to which these symptoms manifest, the different combinations of symptoms, and the life experiences which affect the lens through which we see the world, there are a LOT of faces […]